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序号 年份 类别 期刊名称 论文标题 文件下载
1 2018 SCI SCI Impact of spectral interval on wavelet features for detecting wheat yellow rust with hyperspectral data 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI 基于随机森林模型的小麦白粉病遥感监测方法 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI 作物病虫害遥感监测与预测研究进展 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI 基于遥感技术的 作物病虫害监测研究进展 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI Regional-scale monitoring of rice flood disaster based on multi-temporal remote sensing images 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI Remote Estimation of Nitrogen Vertical Distribution by Consideration of Maize Geometry Characteristics 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI A Downscaling Method for Improving the Spatial Resolution of Passive Microwave Derived Soil Moisture Product Based on MODIS Data 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI Retrieval of leaf chlorophyll content of paddy rice with extracted foliar hyperspectral imagery 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis Based on Normalized Two-Stage Vegetation Indices for Mapping Damage from Rice Diseases Using PlanetScope Datasets 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI Quantitative identification of crop disease and nitrogen-water stress in winter wheat using continuous wavelet analysis 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis Based on Normalized Two-Stage Vegetation Indices for Mapping Damage from Rice Diseases Using PlanetScope Datasets 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI Integrating Early Growth Information to Monitor Winter Wheat Powdery Mildew Using Multi-Temporal Landsat-8 Imagery 立即下载
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