资料共享 学术论文
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序号 年份 类别 期刊名称 论文标题 文件下载
1 2016 SCI SCI Estimation of carotenoid content at the canopy scale using the carotenoid triangle ratio index from in situ and simulated hyperspectral data 立即下载
1 2016 SCI SCI Estimating Winter Wheat Leaf Area Index from Ground and Hyperspectral Vegetation Indices 立即下载
1 2016 SCI SCI Remote estimation of canopy nitrogen content in winter wheat using airborne hyperspectral reflectance measurements 立即下载
1 2016 EI EI 遥感与气象数据结合预测小麦灌浆期白粉病 立即下载
1 2015 SCI SCI 利用多角度光谱数据探测冬小麦氮素含量垂直分布方法研究 立即下载
1 2015 SCI SCI 冬小麦条锈病严重度不同估算方法对比研究 立即下载
1 2015 SCI SCI Effects of land use change on the spatiotemporal variability of soil organic carbon 立即下载
1 2014 SCI SCI Estimation of Nitrogen Vertical Distribution by Bi-Directional Canopy Reflectance in Winter Wheat 立即下载
1 2014 SCI SCI New Optimized Spectral Indices for Identify. 立即下载
1 2014 EI EI Content fromthi-IOP Earth and Environmental Science 17 立即下载
1 2014 SCI SCI 基于相关向量机的冬小麦蚜虫遥感预测 立即下载
1 2014 SCI SCI 基于夏玉米冠层内辐射分布的不同层叶面积指数模拟 立即下载
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