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products 科研项目
序号 项目名称 项目类别 执行期限 项目经费 文件下载
1 Land use/cover changes in the Oriental migratory locust area of China: Implications for ecological control and monitoring of locust area SCI SCI 万元 立即下载
1 蝗虫遥感监测预警研究现状与展望 EI EI 万元 立即下载
1 基于EnMAP卫星和深度神经网络的LAI遥感反演 SCI SCI 万元 立即下载
1 Nonlinear Changes in Dryland Vegetation Greenness over East Inner Mongolia, China, in Recent Years from Satellite Time Series SCI SCI 万元 立即下载
1 Identification of banana fusarium wilt using supervised classification algorithms with UAV-based multi-spectral imagery SCI SCI 万元 立即下载
1 Novel Vegetation Indices for Cotton Boll Opening Status Estimation Using Sentinel-2 Data SCI SCI 万元 立即下载
1 Identification of Wheat Yellow Rust using Spectral and Texture Features of Hyperspectral Images SCI SCI 万元 立即下载
1 A Disease Index for Efficiently Detecting Wheat Fusarium Head Blight Using Sentinel-2 Multispectral Imagery SCI SCI 万元 立即下载
1 Recognition of Banana Fusarium Wilt Based on UAV Remote Sensing SCI SCI 万元 立即下载
1 Identification of Fusarium Head Blight in Winter Wheat Ears Using Continuous Wavelet Analysis SCI SCI 万元 立即下载
1 A Transformed Triangular Vegetation Index for Estimating Winter Wheat Leaf Area Index SCI SCI 万元 立即下载
1 Estimating leaf water content at the leaf scale in soybean inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from in situ spectral measurements SCI SCI 万元 立即下载
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