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products 学术论文
序号 年份 类别 期刊名称 论文标题 文件下载
1 2018 SCI SCI Integrating Early Growth Information to Monitor Winter Wheat Powdery Mildew Using Multi-Temporal Landsat-8 Imagery 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI The influence of landscape's dynamics on the Oriental Migratory Locust habitat change based on the time-series satellite data 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI New Spectral Index for Detecting Wheat Yellow Rust Using Sentinel-2 Multispectral Imagery 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI Quantitative identification of crop disease and nitrogen-water stress in winter wheat using continuous wavelet analysis 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI Wavelet-Based Rust Spectral Feature Set A Novel Spectral Feature Set Based on Continuous Wavelet Transformation for Tracking Progressive Host–Pathogen Interaction of Yellow Rust on Wheat 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis Based on Normalized Two-Stage Vegetation Indices for Mapping Damage from Rice Diseases Using PlanetScope Datasets 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI New Spectral Index for Detecting Wheat Yellow Rust Using Sentinel-2 Multispectral Imagery 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI The influence of landscape's dynamics on the Oriental Migratory Locust habitat change based on the time-series satellite data 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI Integrating Early Growth Information to Monitor Winter Wheat Powdery Mildew Using Multi-Temporal Landsat-8 Imagery 立即下载
1 2018 SCI SCI Vegetation indices combining the red and red-edge spectral information for leaf area index retrieval 立即下载
1 2017 SCI SCI Off-Nadir Hyperspectral Sensing for Estimation of Vertical Profile of Leaf Chlorophyll Content within Wheat Canopies 立即下载
1 2017 SCI SCI 基于 MODIS 数据的锡林郭勒草原植被覆盖变化及 驱动因子分析 立即下载
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