科研成果 学术论文
products 学术论文
序号 年份 类别 期刊名称 论文标题 文件下载
1 2017 SCI SCI Estimation of canopy carotenoid content of winter wheat using multi-angle hyperspectral data 立即下载
1 2017 SCI SCI 基于温湿度与遥感植被指数的冬小麦赤霉病估测 立即下载
1 2017 SCI SCI Estimation-of-canopy-carotenoid-content-of-winter-wheat_2017_Advances-in-Spa 立即下载
1 2017 SCI SCI Detection and Discrimination of Pests and Diseases in Winter Wheat Based on Spectral Indices and Kernel Discriminant Analysis 立即下载
1 2017 SCI SCI Effects of different sampling densities on geographically weighted regression kriging for predicting soil organic carbon 立即下载
1 2017 SCI SCI Assessment of leaf carotenoids content with a new carotenoid index 立即下载
1 2017 SCI SCI Detection s and Kernel Discriminant Analysis 立即下载
1 2017 EI EI 小波分析与支持向量机结合的冬小麦白粉病遥感监测 立即下载
1 2017 SCI SCI Effects of land use change on the spatiotemporal variability of soil organic carbon in an urban-rural ecotone of Beijing, China 立即下载
1 2017 EI EI 基于AdaBoost模型和mRMR算法的小麦白粉病遥感监测 立即下载
1 2016 SCI SCI Remote estimation of canopy nitrogen content in winter wheat using airborne hyperspectral reflectance measurements 立即下载
1 2016 SCI SCI 基于小波特征的小麦白粉病与条锈病的定量识别 立即下载
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