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products 学术论文
序号 年份 类别 期刊名称 论文标题 文件下载
1 2022 SCI SCI Using Remote Sensing Data and Species–Environmental Matching Model to Predict the Potential Distribution of Grassland Rodents in the Northern China 立即下载
1 2022 SCI SCI Remote Sensing Monitoring of Winter Wheat Stripe Rust Based on mRMR-XGBoost Algorithm 立即下载
1 2022 SCI SCI Combining Disease Mechanism and Machine Learning to Predict Wheat Fusarium Head Blight 立即下载
1 2022 SCI SCI Integrating Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data to Predict Wheat Stripe Rust 立即下载
1 2022 SCI SCI Change in the elevational pattern of vegetation greenup date across the Tianshan Mountains in Central Asia during 2001–2020 立即下载
1 2022 SCI SCI A Landscape-Based Habitat Suitability Model (LHS Model) for Oriental Migratory Locust Area Extraction at Large Scales A Case Study along the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yellow River 立即下载
1 2022 SCI SCI The Suitability of PlanetScope Imagery for Mapping Rubber Plantations 立即下载
1 2022 SCI SCI A Random Forest Algorithm for Retrieving Canopy Chlorophyll Content of Wheat and Soybean Trained with PROSAIL Simulations Using Adjusted Average Leaf Angle 立即下载
1 2022 SCI SCI Combining Random Forest and XGBoost Methods in Detecting Early and Mid-Term Winter Wheat Stripe Rust Using Canopy Level Hyperspectral Measurements 立即下载
1 2022 SCI SCI Detection of Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat Ears Using Continuous Wavelet Analysis and PSO-SVM 立即下载
1 2022 SCI SCI Risk Prediction and Variable Analysis of Pine Wilt Disease by a Maximum Entropy Model 立即下载
1 2022 SCI SCI Dynamic Forecast of Desert Locust Presence Using Machine Learning with a Multivariate Time Lag Sliding Window Technique 立即下载
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