科研成果 学术论文
products 学术论文
序号 年份 类别 期刊名称 论文标题 文件下载
1 2013 SCI SCI Characterizing spatiotemporal dynamics of land cover with mult 立即下载
1 2013 SCI SCI sensor letters-Estimation of Leaf Nitrogen and Grain Protein 立即下载
1 2013 SCI SCI Evaluation of spectral indices and continuous wavelet analysis to quantify aphid infestation in wheat 立即下载
1 2013 SCI SCI 基于支持向量机回归的冬小麦叶面积指数遥感反演 立即下载
1 2012 SCI SCI The Estimation of Winter Wheat Yield Based on MODIS Remote Sensing Data 立即下载
1 2012 SCI SCI Procedia Engineering-Estimating Filed-Scale Soil Nutrient Levels in Shun Yi District, Beijing 立即下载
1 2012 SCI SCI Integrating Landsat TM Imagery and See5 Decision-Tree Software for Identifying Croplands A Case Study in Shunyi District, Beijing 立即下载
1 2012 SCI SCI A Comparative Study on Monitoring Leaf-scale Wheat Aphids using Pushbroom Imaging and Non-imaging ASD Field Spectrometers 立即下载
1 2012 SCI SCI Identifying Leaf-Scale Wheat Aphids Using the Near-Ground Hyperspectral Pushbroom Imaging Spectrometer 立即下载
1 2012 SCI SCI Characterization of the rice canopy infested with brown spot disease using field hyperspectral data 立即下载
1 2012 SCI SCI Detection and mapping of hail damage to corn using domestic remotely sensed data in China 立即下载
1 2012 SCI SCI Assessing the Soil Fertility Using Landsat TM Imagery and Geospatial Statistical Analysis 立即下载
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